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Acknowledge Each Other

Last updated on February 24, 2020

Difficult times test our patience and perseverance. But even more so, they trust our faith. Faith in humanity, faith in life, faith in love, faith in ourselves. Everyone faces difficulties, and it is always subjective. You cannot compare your difficulties with others’. But it is always endearing to hear from other people who may be facing similar or worse difficulties. Its weird, but we do find strength in other people’s situations. It makes us feel better about our own situation.

I feel it as a little psychopathic for us to feel that way, but it also is needed because stories that are similar to ours give us hope and strength that it’s going to be fine. Stories of others’ troubles help us put our own troubles in context and get us out of our heads. Stories of their struggles motivate us to change our own circumstances. And stories of their triumph makes us BELIEVE that it can be done. And isn’t belief so important?

But I’m not talking about belief or motivation or leadership. What I want to share is the abundance of such stories all around us. And all we need to do is to Acknowledge Each Other and listen to each other to uncover those stories. To give them the dignity and the space to share part of their journey with you, without any judgments, without your comments on how things could be changed. Just listening to them intently share things that they have seen, felt, experienced, thought and cared about, and how their journey unfolded till that point. To acknowledge their presence by giving them your attention, fully, without interruptions. And maybe one of them changes your course of life.

As with other things in life, someday you may be in their seat, longing to share your stories of strength, struggle, and support, but no one to listen.

Published in Musings


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